A bit of everything!

Hello Everyone!

I have a bunch of short stories to share this week! I hope you enjoy them!


I wanted to believe it existed…

A couple of weeks ago, Alexandra and I decided to have Sarah (8 months old) sleeping in her bedroom. The baby monitor and camera were all setup. We wanted her to get accustomed to her crib as early as possible. We didn’t want her to follow her older brother’s footsteps and declare our bed “HER BED” for years to come. Children are our HEIRS, it’s true…well, let just say I’ve watched all 7 seasons of Game of Thrones! It doesn’t always end well for the parents LOL.

So, for 2 nights in a row and for the first time in 4 years there were no children in our bed. Can you believe that? The Masters were finally free LOL. My wife and I are asking ourselves “could it be possible that we redeemed our freedom?”

We couldn’t believe it. A king size bedroom for the 2 of us! Life was so good until a virus hit the kids. Evidently, both kids ended up back in our bedroom so mommy could monitor their health. As far as daddy goes, he was willing to sacrifice his spot on the throne for a lesser bed in the guest room…it’s called the ultimate sacrifice LOL. My wife doesn’t see it that way however…that’s for another discussion!

Utopia, one day, I’ll find you!

I can but I can’t

A very short story, I must share with you guys. My son was around 3 years old. He was trying to tie his shoes with not much success. At that age, they are very proud. I offered my help, the conversation went like this:

-“Son, can daddy help you tie your shoes?”


-“Can you tie your own shoes?”


The moral of the story is I can but I can’t.

Mommy, you have one too!

My son Malik is 4 and he is always asking questions. One day while Alexandra was changing Sarah’s diaper he noticed she was missing a part…He asked his mom where was Sarah’s penis! I covered my head under the sheets, I wasn’t expecting that one. I figured his mom would deal with it better than me. Alexandra told him that girls don’t have one. My son’s response was “But Mommy, we all have one, daddy, me and you”

All kind of thoughts ran through my mind. What?!?! Gross!

End of story!


Bedtime! Will it ever be the same again?

My son Malik is 4 now. He’s a funny kid and he has tons of energy! He is not a quiter! I’ll tell you more about it later.

Here is my story. As all parents do, we purchased a bassinet and a crib that we put in our bedroom. My son would end up spending more time in our bed than in his crib…at one point he would wake up as soon as we’d try to put him in his crib and he would start crying until we put him back in our bed.

Yes we did it

It is not recommended to sleep with a baby in your bed for obvious reasons but we had to do it. This is when I learned the statue position which is the most uncomfortable one to sleep in. The ONLY advantage about it is that you don’t roll over your baby during your sleep but you feel like crap when you wake up in the morning! Your entire body is aching!

I have a plan

When my son turned 2, we put his crib in his room and adjusted it for the toddler he had become. To make a long story short, he never slept there because we didn’t have the energy nor the patience to let him get used to his new environment, meaning he cried a lot and we wanted to sleep!

I have another plan

When he turned 3, I said that’s it! I am going to turn Kevin Hart (it’s on Netflix) on him: « HE’S GONNA LEARN TODAY… » to sleep in his own bed. Daddy and mommy can’t handle anymore the headbutts while sleeping. Seriously, I had at least one mild concussion LOL. My wife suffered a busted lip from a headbutt! This kid’s cranium is made of adamantium (any x-men fans?) and he recovers fast too 🙂

What now?

My son loves cars. Actually, it is an understatement! Cars are to him what bball is to me…Everything! :).

We bought him a Rolls Royce look alike bed thinking he would only want to sleep there. WRONG AGAIN! He would play there during the day but at night NO NO! Daddy and mommy’s bed is where he wants to be. Honestly, at this point I almost gave up. I had a second baby on the way and I was already envisioning the 4 of us in my bed for another couple of years…king size is big but it feels small, especially with a toddler sleeping in a perpendicular way and moving all the time!

My son eventually turned 4! I had one last trick I wanted to try before giving up on the idea of him sleeping in his bed. It was to setup a trap between his room and my room. The trap was ME sleeping on a mattress in the hallway. I would intercept him every single time he would try to leave his room…like I said at the beginning, he is not a quiter! At the end, I gave up after 10 days… daddy needed his sleep too!

4 months ago, I told him that my bed was too small for the 4 of us. I also added that it would prevent him from growing up properly and that he needed more room in order to grow and be as tall as daddy.

On top of that, I also told him that all his friends at daycare would be taller than him because they slept in their own bed. TADAM!!!! It worked!!!!!

However, there is still a third party in my bed…hope that trick works for girls too!!!




Je me nomme Sandler Pierre-Paul et j’ai 38 ans. Je demeure dans la Grande région de Montréal. Mon épouse Alexandra et moi sommes les heureux parents de Malik 4 ans et Sarah 7 mois!

Cela fait quelques années que je suis parent et j’aurai plusieurs histoires, expériences et anecdotes à vous raconter! Comment était ma vie avant d’être papa??? 🙂

My name is Sandler Pierre-Paul and I’m 38 years old. I live in the Greater Montréal area. My wife Alexandra and I are the proud parents of Malik (4yo) and Sarah (7mo).

I’ve been a parent for a few years now and I will share my experience with you :). How was life before having children??? 🙂
